You may cancel your order at anytime by emailing

Once your order is cancelled will be immediately deleted from the Service. Since deletion of all data is final please be sure that you do in fact want to cancel your order before doing go ahead

Return Shipping Fee – Return fees will be paid by seller and buyer both in 50-50% of share. Please also check the seller’s shipping terms. If the seller pays the return shipping fee, please make sure you first agree on the shipping method and how the seller will pay you back the shipping fee.

Conditions for Submitting Refund Requests – You can submit refund requests up to 15 days after your order has been completed. You can do this by opening a dispute in the order details page. Please note that you can only open one dispute per order.

If you cancel the order in the middle of the delivery, you will receive one final invoice via email. Once that invoice has been paid you by us will not be charged again